Monday, January 5, 2009

Some winter.....

Well, this is the most snow I've ever seen in Spokane. It is beautiful and it makes snowshoeing very easy...out the front door, strap on the shoes and off you go!
It was a great day to have school birthday! Lots of Happy Birthday text messages, phone calls from family and friends, some singing and some I'm glad didn't sing! Had lunch with two great friends and then dinner with another great friend and her daughter. Life is good! God is great! I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Myia!
    Happy late Birthday!! What a treat to see a comment from you on my brought back a flood of wonderful memories! :)

    I would love to catch up some time. Maybe we can get a cup of coffee or go out to lunch!
    Let me know.

    God Bless!
    Love Linda
