Thursday, June 25, 2009

Climbing Rainier for SADS

Well, it's been a long time since posting something and since I have the whole summer off one goal is to post here on a more regular basis. My first big event of the summer is to climb Mt. Rainier July 10, 11, 12th for SADS It is a worthy cause and raising money and awareness is right up my alley, not to mention the life long goal of climbing Rainier. Going through Mountain School in 2004....having some rather interesting years between then and now, the opportunity came to do two things I love doing...climbing and bringing awareness to a worthy cause. Working out at Crossfit Spokane since November, helping teach Mountain School this winter/spring has been a great big plus for being in shape to do such a climb. As I was completing my WOD at Crossfit today, I was reminded just how far I have come since joining in Nov.....I almost started laughing at myself when I think back to barely being able to 20 "girl" push ups...and now 20 REAL big deal....pull ups....yeah....gotta love um....still using a small band....but for now thats okay....running...easier each time and a bit faster too. When I look back at the starting weights and times....yep, 35lb. kettle bell swings are starting to feel light...
Overall, I'm excited and looking forward to one of the most challenging events yet in my life. I will post pictures and will also pray for great weather so that our team is able to summit! If not, the mountain isn't going anywhere! The next couple of weeks will be full of workouts and reviewing my knots :) All for backyard grass needs mowed!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What A Day!

It all started with a great church service...Pastor Joe ending the series, "What would you do with only 30 days to live?" Very powerful and inspiring! Then off to meet up with Lisa to break in my new snowshoes! We headed for Mt. Spokane, climbed out of her vehicle and standing just above us was Kay and Jerry LaClair (fellow Spokane Mountaineers and Kay has 6 of the 7 summits...only Everest left for her!). We started on the usual trail and after about 15 minutes was searching for any soft snow we could isn't fun....but we kept going and when we had just passed the first outlook place we gave up on the icy trails and headed straight up to the towers and Vista house! Once out of the trees, the wind hit us full in the face. Did it bother us?? NO! We just kept on trucking up the hill, with the towers in full sight, the last 200 feet felt like it took us reality....not so much! Just past the towers and finally a wind break! Power buildings and trees! We warmed up in the Vista house, ate a little lunch and back out we went! Just like we came up we went straight down....wishing for powder to be able to glisade (spelling??) was more of a slow run, but my MSR Denal Evo Ascent snowshoes bit into the ice and I didn't slip once....tried to trip myself a few times and had to laugh at myself and Lisa laughed too.....She and I laugh so much on our little "adventures" we go on! Once back in the trees we didn't try to keep with the trail as it was more fun to seek and find any snow not stepped in by someone else in the hopes that it would be SOFT! When it was IT WAS GOOD and when it wasn't, well we clacked along! We left the Vista house just after 3:00 and made it back to the snowmobilers parking lot at 3:48....awesome time! The ride home was enjoyed by my home roasted coffee, water, more coffee and apples!
Lisa dropped me off at home and I realized that I needed to get gas in my truck for the week. Off to Costco I went, got gas and then went inside to pick up a few things. As I walked out of the cold storage area, I had to do a double take and there on the other side of the veggies was Jessi and Emma Thompson! As I walked around, Jessi looked over and saw me and well, HUGE HUGS! Like Jessi kept saying, What a treat! Then to meet sweet, adorable and the cutest little girl ever, Emma! SO like Jessi at that age! We talked so long that the security guy turned some lights off by us and said they were closing! I just hope Jessi was able to get her shopping done! I headed for the front door to check out. What a great time at Costco!
So, headed home and just after eating dinner, My Barney called to share his day of skiing in New Mexico...asking me to pray for snow for their ski mtn. (he keeps saying that "I'm" hogging it fact I think he called me a "snow piggie") Well, I do pray that they get more and us too!
All in all an amazing day filled with people whom I love and those that love me....yes, I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting out to workout!

Well, it's 11:05 and I'm going to go workout at Crossfit. After yesterday's wonderful birthday lunch and dinner I need to go workout! As I checked the weather forecast, it says it should be raining right out my front window....snow...and more snow...sorry Barney....yes, I know I'm a snow piggie....but I really would love to share it with you and Debi and Daniel and Jane in Albuquerque! Again I do have to say that it is beautiful....the huge flakes coming down and looking to the one over there now....just peace and quiet.....will think about shoveling when I get home....more of a
So, that's all for now!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Some winter.....

Well, this is the most snow I've ever seen in Spokane. It is beautiful and it makes snowshoeing very easy...out the front door, strap on the shoes and off you go!
It was a great day to have school birthday! Lots of Happy Birthday text messages, phone calls from family and friends, some singing and some I'm glad didn't sing! Had lunch with two great friends and then dinner with another great friend and her daughter. Life is good! God is great! I am truly blessed!