So Christmas is just less than two weeks away....where has this year gone? So many memories and yet making more each day. My new puppy being the memory maker right now....lol... I'm excited to head south to spend two weeks with Barney. Even though the snow is mostly man made at Ski Apache this year it will be time spent meeting new people and spending quality of time with my Love.
I know God has great things in store for me as this year comes to an end. I can only imagine what next year will bring...I know that I look forward to snowshoeing, working out, training Piezo, sewing, cooking and eventually lots of fun ballooning!
So in the next three weeks....one will be to have a great last week with my kiddos at school, then off to New Mexico for the last two weeks of the year.
2010 has had it's ups and downs but I know that through it all I have been blessed by those around me and for that I am truly grateful!
Miss Myia