Sunday, August 29, 2010

Never Let Your Dreams Die!!!! Cuz...I didn't!!!!

It was the last week in July and I had my balloon trailer in tow...headed for Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was 10 years ago that my dream took on more reality than even I knew...from the moment we lifted off the ground I was HOOKED on ballooning. I will never forget the flight from the little park in Deer Park, WA....flew over a friends home, then on to pick pinecones from the tops of the trees, scaring up some deer and seeing a pheasant run through the bushes...just like a roadrunner...his neck all stretched out....dogs barking....and then as we came down a man with a camera running towards us shouting, "I have been wanting you to come this way forever!" He was SO happy that he could get pictures, then we lifted off again and continued our flight...did a little sky bowling....missed the target by about 2 feet, but hey it was fun....then the final landing, on the edge of a grass field....packed her up and away we went to celebrate.
As I drove to NM, I kept thinking just how blessed my life has been in the last 10 years....and at times it brought me to tears. All that I get to do....climbing, hiking, skiing, sewing, ballooning. And I was on my way to finish a dream that really started many years ago but took form when God wanted it to in my life.
So, the trip down was fun....stayed in Sandy, UT, then Gallup, NM and finally on into Albuquerque.
I got to stay with some great friends and for that I am truly grateful! (A.M. and family!!!)
Last summer I had done two weeks of lessons with Daniel Cave in his wife's balloon - Beeloon! It was during that time that Jane said, "So shouldn't you buy your own?" and that set the wheels in motion for me having the system I have now. I returned home and by Oct. I had bought my balloon (more on that later).
I was able to get Beth Wright-Smith (a fabulous pilot and ground school instructor) to come out and help me set up the system for the first time in months and then do a flight with me just after I got to Alb. Windy inflation, nice flight, but a mostly stand up landing :)
A few days later, I was to fly with Ray and see if we were compatible for the rest of my lessons. We were and so Ray became my official instructor for the first half and Tom finished out the last as my official instructor. Each day we flew was of course AMAZING! A true gift to get to fly.....and it slowly was sinking in that my dream of becoming a pilot AND having my own system was coming true. The hard part...."sectionals"...."oral test".....and well, I worked hard each and every day. Taking what Ray or Tom or sometimes both would tell me and do it the next day as I flew. Lots of lessons learned....LOTS of revisions on my checklists....remembering to check my checklist....doing the routine the same way each time....habits....good habits...building good habits...and bonding with my system....her name? MyAir FlyAir! I waited a long time to name her and as soon as we lifted off on the first flight with Beth (oh and it was Beth's birthday that day) I knew the name fit her! However, getting her dirty in the New Mexico dirt....she didn't like that at all!
So we flew 5 days straight and then a no fly day, then flew 4 more days and during the last four days, I did my solo flight....they put 150lbs. of sand in with me so she'd come down easier....the 40 minute flight went by so very fast! However my thoughts as I was flying alone didn't. I realized that even though I was the only live person in the basket I had an awesome Pilot with me....God! When people ask me what it's like to fly, I hold my two hands together in a cup like fashion and tell them it's like floating in God's hands. It's quiet, peaceful and amazing....until you hit the burners....but even then, hitting the burners is like God saying, "Get out there and do great things with the talent I've given you"......Flying Solo also reminded me of how I have spent most of my life single....having to take care of myself and do what needs to be done to keep me safe and okay...knowing that God either is by my side or carrying me. It also reminded me that being independent has been good for me but that God brought people into my life at the times I needed them to be there...some are gone forever, some I see on occasion and some are currently in my life. Most of all that while I'm in their lives or they are in mine, to make sure to let them know how important they are to me and to love and care about them.
As I did take off and landings it reminded me of my own life in the times I was down and how God would lift me back up again.....and thank you God I've had more highs than lows. I also know that when I'm climbing or when I'm flying...being up high.....closer to's an awesome feeling....that's all I can say.
Flying with Ray was very quiet...he didn't talk much only when he wanted to know something or try and distract me.....we got into a low level thermal....learned a lot from that....landed only using my mitering valve....interesting and learned a lot there too.....then came Tom....
Tom is the opposite of Ray, he loves to talk...which is fine until I had to tell him to "shut up", then corrected myself and said, "Shut your mouth down" then um, "Please be quiet", he was doing it on purpose, but his plan to distract me didn't work...I kept flying the he would tell me a scenario and I would have to tell or show him what I would in an emergency.....I landed without using my redline, pretend that their were power lines too close, you name it, he ran me through it and I had the pleasure of doing to great highwind landings with Tom! (yes there is a great story about the 1st with him....for another time).
I truly was blessed to have had Daniel, Beth, Ray and Tom as my main instructors. But I will say that the first person to let me touch the burners on a system was old Cool Beans!....he let me do the launch all the flight and then he did the landing....we flew over Las Cruces, NM that cold December, but bright and sunny day. Having these amazing Pilots share wisdom and knowledge....PRICELESS!!!!
So, on Sunday th 15, Had a great flight...knowing that my Oral Test was on Tuesday the 17th and Check ride was on the 18th. Monday was a no fly day and so I went back to the hotel and studied.
Barney went back to Las Cruces that morning to return late on Tuesday evening. I read through all my ground school info., went over the Albquerque, Denver, Seattle, Chicago, Great Falls sectionals, studied my airspace classes and all the VFR's for each one.
Since Tom finished out my last hours of flight, Ray could be my Designated Examiner, and because Ray needed to be observed for his FAA Designee title, JD Huss - local FAA Official would be joining in on my Oral's and check ride.
Orals went okay and I passed! Onto the check ride!
We met at Daniel's old church parking lot at 6:00 a.m. Wind....more I asked for recommendations as to another place to launch from since Rainbow (local launch site) was reporting 6knots.....We moved into Albuquerque by the credit union off of Coors and Montano.....other balloons were launching from it was GO!!!
We started setting up, me doing all that I was to do, checking my checklist, making sure my system was all correct. Checking with my pilots on each side of me....ReMax....on one side and a ride balloon on the balloon down wind the time to go hot, signals to all parties on the system and I stood her up, got JD in.....reset the top, had to yell to get Ray back to my him in, Time was marked as soon as I stood her up, had Barney check airspace overhead, tie-off line in one had, burner in the other.....watched as the balloon down wind of me launched, Troy with ReMax launched.....then it was my turn....the ride balloon wanted me to go first so nice slow launch.....and we were off......up over the trees toward the Rio Grande River.....darn dead tree right in my path or I would have gotten a splash and dash in the river.....okay, up over the Montano bridge.....and flying up to 7200msl and hold her there....done.....then up to 7800msl and hold her there.....done.....where would you land? Golf course, but there are some sites over I-40, so I fly temperature is holding at we are good on envelope temp. with the weight in the basket.....fuel checks....all good....switching to other burner....keeping my elevation within 50 ft. Then the descent to find the winds to take us more west than east....I stairstep the balloon down 100 ft. at a time to see what the winds are doing and looking at other balloons where they are and what the winds are doing....and sure enought at about the direction we wanted and picked two landing sites.....the first....nope, will take the second one....Ray called the crew and told them we came in it was very apparent that I was going to have a highwind landing....I had briefed JD (my pretend passenger) three times, about where I wanted him and what he needed to do. Somewhere about 15-20 feet above the ground I rip out the top and we hit, drug a little and MyAir FlyAir! layed herself over and we were down. I had Ray get out, then JD and then me. The crew was there and was starting to close the throat off, Barney and Brian had the crown and was already pulling the top back up....I took care of turning off the remaining burner and fuel.
Ray then asked me some questions, I answered and then he told me I had passed! Hugs! (We Balloonists HUG alot). I went up to the top of the balloon and told the crew I had passed! More Hugs! We finished packing up the system and headed out to breakfast and for Ray and I to do the last of the paperwork.
Well, it's not quiet two weeks and it's starting to sink in....but today in church as I was singing during worship and during prayer time, all I could do was say thank you to God....for He is the one that made me who I am, a strong, confident woman....who loves with her whole heart and soul.
To wrap this up....from my first flight to now...I never let my dream die of wanting to become a pilot. There were some key women pilots that encouraged me in more ways that they know....and for that I am truly thankful. God works in more ways than we know....and sometimes it's okay to NOT know and be okay with it.
I do have to say a HUGE thank you to all the various crew members that came out all those days and to were there for every one except you had to go to school the day of my checkride!
To My Barney....I love you, I thank God you are in my life....I am truly blessed by you and my life will never be the same without you!
Now, on to very own balloon!